Thursday, August 15, 2013

Alpha Strike Card Review

Well, even though I *hate* the sound of my own voice (don't most folk?) I made a youtube video reviewing the *custom* Alpha Strike cards I just had printed.  I'll be surprised if it gets many views, but the cards look pretty damned good and was a great proof of concept.  If anybody is in the Dallas area I'll give them to you (or if you want to send me a box that is already addressed to you, that'll hold 2 decks of cards), as they aren't "perfect" enough for me.  They are completely playable though. 

Anyway, my first youtube video, probably my last unless I get a lot more views than I am expecting.  I am quite impressed with the cards though, they look better than they do on my 26" monitor, they look damned sharp up close.  If any Dallas area folk want to do a game with them that'd be nifty.

Oh, want a link?  Here ya go, have fun.


  1. Watched and subscribed. They look great.

  2. Looking good, i just like my version better :D
    Don't know where you got them from, but there is actually at least one service that prints plastic cards...

    1. Your version? You mean the ones at GenCon? I hope to pick up a box or two, and hope they sell well at gencon. I am not sure the colored versions will take off due to toner usage though, but if they are cheap enough and easy to get all 6000 units in BT, people could buy them I guess.

      The fonts on the "real ones" do seem a little crisper, I may massage them a bit to try to get the same crispness on mine. I may fail as guessing fonts, at least for me, is trial and error (mostly the latter).

      Yeah, the company I ordered my "playing cards" from also does full plastic ones, but they were like $0.25 each (double). I figured the first prototype would be regular playing cards.

      I tested a grease pencil, which does work ok. All my non-perm markers were dried up, a horrible sign I haven't used them in far too long, so I was unable to test those.

      I am still a firm believer these do not have enough room for everything though, but maybe I'm wrong as I haven't used them on a tabletop.

  3. haha, your voice didn't match what I thought..

    1. Yeah, I absolutely hate my voice when I hear it recorded. I've heard that nearly everybody kinda feels the same way. Something scientific in there, but that'd be the #1 reason I never did youtube stuff before... #2 being I just don't think people care that much unless I'm Psy or hurt myself.

      Plus, I'll be running again for US Congress next year, for the last time, so I gotta stay obscure until I lose :)

  4. Found one compo unit if you have LRM, SRM, OMNI, SNARC IF, CASE, OMNI the text doesn't fit well on the cards.. but since its a clan Thor mech I dropped the OMNI & spaces to make it fit.

    1. Hmmm, I got that to fit, do you have the latest version?

      However, it does bring up a point, since technically that same mech should technically also have ES, SOA, SRCH, and SEAL, as all mechs have those. So yes, you can run out of space. The special abilities will REALLY put a size damper on that.

      I think some of the more common things, like Omni or LRM, should just be treated as an icon. Since SRM/LRM's really should be the same value at all their range bands IMO, they could be just a # in a square or hexagon.

      But none of that really matters once you try to make a support vehicle or mobile structure fit on the cards provided in alpha strike, not to mention the 2000 or so circles a big warship could have!!! Basically, these cards are nice, small, uncluttered, and good for about 80-90% of the units in the universe. The rest, well, no cards.

    2. yes.. the last one you announced.. its only on the color cards that it does it.. the black & white are find.. also the armor for the Great turtle 22 points it goes along way over with the color cards.. but it is fine with the black & white cards..

    3. Well its all fixed with the latest release, even 30 armor works great.
